Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gone, Job Interview, Debate, and Birthdays

I finished Gone, by Michael Grant. I'll do a quick book review because I have a LOT of journal things to discuss.

Wow, I was really surprised by this book, and not in a good way. The entire story is centered around this town in which everyone the age 15 and over disappears, and there's this barrier around the town that can't be broken or escaped from or anything. The basic question that keeps the reader hooked is, "What's causing these strange things to happen?" I was rooting for the aliens. *Sigh* I won't reveal the ending because. . . . . . . there's nothing to reveal. You're still kept in the dark.

Not only that, but the author just wouldn't stop adding multiple, almost impossibly dangerous conflicts to the story. Some authors, such as Stephenie Meyer, can wrap up every aspect of the plot with a nice little bow that keeps almost every reader satisfied. This dude gives you NOTHING!! I was beyond disappointed, especially since his writing style is so interesting and unique.

Long story short, it was a book with a fantastic beginning and middle but a horrible ending. The ending is what ruined it for me. Other than that, it was a great book that I would have recommended to anybody. However, due to the ending I will not be advising anyone in their right mind to read Gone.

Alrighty- moving on. I had a job interview recently, and I'm REALLY hoping that I get the job. It's not anything huge, but if I don't get that job I'll be pretty upset. It's the only job that I actually want, I'd have a lot of fun working there.

I think that the manager (he was the one who interviewed me) liked me, but I can't be sure. . . . . he wasn't very chatty *Shrug* I'll know if I got the job by April 15th. I'll definitely be crossing my fingers a lot that day : )

The third topic, debate, is about this victory I got in Speech class (no, not speech like learning how to talk correctly. Like talking in front of lots of people without sweating bullets and feeling dizzy) on Friday. I had this big debate that I worked pretty hard on, and I won it by ONE vote!! It was so close; it made victory all the sweeter, haha.

The topic was whether Oreo cookies are better than Chips Ahoy. I was on the negative side, arguing for Chips Ahoy. I had two other teammates, but only one of them was any help at all. She was great at thinking on her feet, and I delivered the well researched Constructive speech. Together, we convinced my class that Chips Ahoy are better than Oreos : D It was a major confidence booster to win that one. We took a poll of our class a few days before the debate, and the majority preferred Oreos. The fact that my good teammate and I could convince them otherwise is very empowering.

Now, my last topic, BIRTHDAYS!! There are many birthdays in March (including my own) and I've been having a great weekend due to them. I had my own party with seven of my good friends, which was awesome (luv you guys) and I went out to dinner with NHC and his family because it's his Dad's B-Day. All in all, it's made for a crazy fun weekend ^_^ It was a busy week too as far as school goes, I'll be so happy when Spring Break comes around and I can just relax...

*Whew* I thought this post would be huge, and look at that! Not bad at all, if I do say so myself. So, what is SunnyD reading now? I'm in the process of reading Rumors, the second book in the Luxe series. So far it's not as attention-grabbing as The Luxe was, but I'm only in the beginning. Things can get interesting quickly.

~My next post will be about Newsies! If you don't know what in the world Newsies is, that's okay, hardly anyone does...


Alanna said...

Your party was sooo much fun! Glad you had fun too.

That sucks that the ending of that book was crap. I hate it when endings ruin the whole book.
Tell me how Rumors is. I'm dying to read The Luxe-I need to go to the library. The Host is on hold for right now, so I can read it.

Danielle said...

Yes, you must read the Luxe!! I think you'd really like it *Nod Nod*

Rumors is picking up, but I'm not sure if I like where it's going or not. . . . .