Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Drama Continues. . . . . .

Sorry, this is another journal post. SO much has happened, it's crazy. Bear with me, I promise that I'll try to make things more interesting during my next post. . . . .

Well, first of all, I have to add to something that I discussed in a different post. GOS confronted her boyfriend about him sending those nude pictures to that slutty girl. Guess what? He didn't deny it. Anyone shocked? I sure am. I had a feeling that the rumor was true, but I sure didn't expect him to own up to it o_O

Of course, GOS didn't break up with him. *Rolls Eyes* He cried apparently, and told her that what he did was way out of line and that it wouldn't happen again. Right.

Unfortunately, GOS forgave him. I wonder what he has to do to make her realize that he's a bad person. *Sigh* Maybe nothing can convince her of that. . . . .

As if this weren't enough, there's more. Oh yes, my life has been full of drama lately, and it doesn't seem to want to stop anytime soon.

I'm friends with a girl who'll be known as Bubbles on this blog. I've known Bubbles since preschool, so we go WAY back. We're still good friends now, and I'll tell you that we're both in high school. Her boyfriend will be known as TQ on this blog, and I'm friends with him too. I'm not as close to him as I am with Bubbles, but we are friends. Ironically, TQ is about three years older than Bubbles. Sound familiar? If it doesn't, I'll remind you that GOS's boyfriend is three years older than her, too. But TQ is very different than GOS's boyfriend. He's funny, nice, and he has morals (unlike GOS's boyfriend).

Bubbles and TQ had been going out for a couple of months, and they really seemed to click. They appeared to be very right for each other, they made a great couple. Bubbles is fairly mature for her age, so the age difference didn't even get in the way. Now I'm not an idiot, I knew that their relationship wouldn't last forever. However, since I'm friends with both of them, I was hoping that they'd be together for a long-ish time (I know how difficult things can get when two of your friends are mad at each other). So, just to sum things up, here were my two wishes: That GOS would break up with her boyfriend, and that Bubbles and TQ would stay together for a long time.

Just my luck, neither of my wishes were fulfilled. Bubbles and TQ broke up, and GOS is still happily coupled with loser-boy : (

Why did Bubbles and TQ break up you might ask? Good question. TQ and I have both been dying to have that one answered for a while now. Bubbles randomly started giving TQ the cold shoulder last Tuesday. I figured that as her friend, she'd be willing to tell me why she did this (she refused to tell TQ why she did. In fact, she refused to say anything to TQ at all). Bubbles surprised me, though, and gave me three lame excuses instead of a real answer. I won't even bother repeating her three lame reasons, they were obviously lies and I can't even remember them.

My first instinct was that TQ might have done something to Bubbles that she didn't want to talk about. This made no sense, though, being that TQ is a really great guy. I haven't known him for very long, but my opinion of him is very high. I seriously doubted that he did anything bad to Bubbles.

Well, just my luck, both of my friends wanted to talk to me about the other person. TQ would vent to me his frustrations about Bubbles just randomly dumping him, and Bubbles would complain that TQ was overreacting and not just "letting some things go".

I've known Bubbles for a long time, and my loyalties lie with her. Being caught in the middle sucks, and like it or not, the one in the middle almost always has to pick a side. Does anyone reading this have a bad experience about being caught in the middle? Anyway, I'm determined to keep talking to TQ (he's such a cool guy, it would suck to not be able to talk to him anymore) but I'm talking to him a lot less and Bubbles a lot more. Even though I'm talking to Bubbles, I think that she's being incredibly cruel to TQ.

Most guys would just be like, "Whatever, I don't care" and not look back if their girlfriend dumped them for no reason and started giving them the cold shoulder. I think that's what Bubbles was secretly counting on, actually. But TQ really cares about Bubbles. He's devastated (though he doesn't show it to Bubbles, who won't even look at him anymore) and he blames himself as the reason that Bubbles broke up with him, which is understandable. I really hate to see the pain that Bubbles is causing him, 'cause like I said earlier, he's a great guy and he doesn't deserve to have his heart ripped out like this without so much as the reason why he's being torn apart.

I think TQ suspects that I know the real reason that Bubbles broke up with him, but he also knows that my loyalty lies with her. Bubbles did eventually tell me the real reason why she dumped TQ, but I had to promise not to tell him. That's another reason why I think that Bubbles is being cruel, the real reason why she broke up with him. It had absolutely nothing to do with TQ at all, and it definitely lowers my opinion of Bubbles that she broke up with him just because of something so. . . . . heartless. I honestly can't think of a better word for it. It's heartless.

I won't put the real reason on my blog, anyone could stumble across it. Those that I am willing to tell already have my e-mail, so e-mail me if you want to know and I'll tell the real reason why Bubbles broke up with TQ.

~SunnyD out


Anonymous said...

this is grip o steel-
u are evil! he is not that bad! i told my parents and i am not dead yet, which is suprising!!! i was kinda writing my will already! anyways, he is a really sweet guy and is not as bad as here writen... i can't help it that sunnyd hates him!!! he cares about me for who i am, not the obvious reasons.. :) anyways, she is a little biased so all the info isn't exactly 100%... but then again so am i!
ttfn, GOS! grrrr

Danielle said...

There is not one thing that I said that wasn't 100% accurate!

And how am I any more biased than you?? You're his GIRLFRIEND, that automatically makes you biased. I'm just the friend that doesn't want to see you get hurt.

Anonymous said...

i know, i said i was biased already! Gos really likes this guy, and i appreciate your caring, it means alot to me! i love my friends and they mean more to me then anything else... that includes any guy!!! screw him if it comes between my friends and i!

i know you don't like him, but if i could just have this one thing, it really makes me happy...
and i am not just desperate!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sunnyd- listen i know you are worried about me and all, and i appreciate your caring... but i really don't think that i am in any danger or anything!! even if he did "hurt" me, i'd kill him first before any of you got the chance! thanks for your concern though, it does mean alot to me!

-<3 GOS

Anonymous said...


Blogger is like a pandemic, everybody gets it

Alanna said...

He sounds like such a freak.
And yes, you are SO desperate. We all know how much you want a boyfriend. I'm sure it doesn't really matter who it is, as long as you can speak the words,"my boyfriend".
Lol, kinda pathetic much?

Seriously, any guy that sends naked pics to a girl is a creeper.

Anonymous said...

how come everything is now all interesting...I'M MISSING OUT ON ALL THE FUN!!!! i would totally have a great time making fun of GOS's BF...its a talent

btw, GOS, DUMP HIM!!! clearly the dude ain't good enough for you. SO FREAKING DUMP HIM!!! there are bajillions of other guys in the world. dont waste urself on a jerk

Anonymous said...

im ur age, never had a BF, never went on a date, and probably never hung out with a guy, but you know what, i'm perfectly happy with that. i refuse to waste myself on someone who will eventually dump me and put me thru pain, so why bother? you've got the rest of the school years and even college to look forward to. you'll find someone who is good enough for you eventually.

this dude isn't good for you. i never met him, but i already know that. don't grow up too fast. live the moment bcuz life is short

Danielle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danielle said...

Actually, guys, I don't know if GOS will be on blogger much. I wanted you guys to see her opinion on the matter, so I persuaded her to type it out. I'm not sure if she'll be back, though *Shrug*

Thanks to Alanna and Synfan, for some backup!! All I have to say is that it's about freaking time. Practically no one else is trying to help me make GOS see reason *Shakes Head Sadly*

Anonymous said...

ur welcome

Anonymous said...

btw, what's w/ all the abbreviations for the names? its like Roosevelt's alphabet soup

Alanna said...

Awesome. No offense to her, of course, LOL

Danielle said...

Some people don't want their real names on the web. Why else would I bother with the abbreviations?? Do YOU want me to call you by your real name on my blog? If so, please let me know and I won't bother calling you Synfan anymore.

Anonymous said...

give a freaking nickname????