Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School, Shooting Stars, and Personal Expectations

Is it just me, or have I not had a good journal post in a really long time? This is pathetic, it's summer vacation! Shouldn't I be up to my ears in exciting things about my personal life to blog about? Maybe I'm just boring : ) I'll try to keep things interesting in this post.

So school is starting up again next Tuesday *grumble grumble* obviously no one's happy about that, but I am kind of looking forward to seeing some of my friends that I don't get together with outside of school. Other than that, I'm thoroughly dreading the freezing classrooms, the little sleep, the waking up early, the annoying teachers, and most of all the homework. Despite all of these negatives about school, I know that I can endure anything with my friends by my side. Call me optimistic, but I have a feeling that this year will be challenging but good somehow.

I know that I'm going to make more of an effort to get involved with more activities this year. I'm going to join a bunch of clubs, I'll try to go to more at-home games for the sports I enjoy watching, and I'll even try to make it to a school dance. I like a busy schedule : ) Speaking of schedules, I got mine recently and it doesn't look too bad. I'll have a heavy workload for sure, but it definitely looks manageable. I've also already compared my schedule with my friends, and I have at least one class with almost all of my close friends! Pretty lucky, huh? I even got a class with Bubbles, which is incredible. Ever since I've known Bubbles (preschool) we've never gotten a single class together. Until now ^_^ That's pretty cool, and I got 3 classes with GOS's current boyfriend! She's really jealous, she didn't get any classes with him, lol. I've gotten to be friends with GOS's current boyfriend, who will be called Turtle on this blog. Turtle is WAY better than Loser-boy, and GOS is doing well with him. He's a good guy, and he makes GOS happy, which makes me happy : )

Now about the shooting star. I went to the beach this week with my friend Kelpo and while we were there we saw a shooting star! I've never seen a shooting star before, so the event seemed worth mentioning. And, being a little optimist, I made a wish on the star : ) Kelpo isn't really an optimist, so she simply enjoyed the sight and didn't comment on my wishful thinking. Kelpo and I are great friends (we met in the 3rd grade and haven't gone to the same school in years, we don't see each other nearly enough), but we really do have quite opposite personalities. She's very cynical in her thinking, and doesn't have a lot of confidence in her abilities (even though she's by far one of the smartest people I know). Despite our different ways of thinking, Kelpo and I have a lot of fun together. We both enjoy being active so we boogy boarded, played catch, and goofed off in the ocean together. It was awesome : D And I didn't get badly sunburned for once! Perhaps the shooting star granted me good luck on the beach trip, and maybe it'll even grant the wish I made! If there's any magic in this world we live in then there must be a little magic in those bright streaks of light that shoot across the sky, right?

Last but not least: Do people do greater in life if they expect more from themselves? I believe that people do. Having high expectations for yourself brings about a certain can-do attitude for people, which leads to greater accomplishments than what would have been acheived had the person not believed in themselves. Certain people argue that if you expect little, then you aren't disappointed if things don't work out. I think that attitude is bull crap, and nobody should ever expect little of themselves. That's just my personal opinion, though, and anybody out there is welcome to challenge it.

~I'm still working on finishing the 5th Children of the Lamp book, and when I do I'll give it a review and talk about Catching Fire.


Alanna said...

It's weird because a lot of people ARE looking forward to school. All of my friends that aren't ok with being lonely :P

Guess what? Nikki and I finally got a class together! It's second semester. But this is the first time since the 6th grade that we've had a class together! I'm so excited :D

Kelpo is the second smartest person I know. The first smartest is this guy in my biology class.
They have awards at the end of the year at PC for best student in each class and you get this little flag thingy that everyone signs. People wrote on his,"Just go to college already!" lol. Someone else wrote,"Have a great summer. Get laid." She was very proud of herself.

Anyway, glad to see a journal post! I need to do one, but nothing interesting is happening with me!