Sometimes even the best of us break down and watch a few chick flicks now and then, right? : ) Don't get me wrong- I don't have anything against chick flicks. They can be entertaining and interesting like other movies. It's just. . . . . chick flicks have never exactly been the type of movie that I go out of my way to watch. So I surprised myself when upon arriving at Blockbuster I immediately picked up 2 chick flicks and 1 suspense movie.I actually watched half of He's Just Not That Into You at a friend's house, and unfortunately I had to leave before I could finish it. It's taken me a while, but I've finally gotten around to finishing it : P This movie left me feeling good, almost optimistic about relationships in general. It wasn't precisely a feel-good movie, but I enjoyed it. The movie centers around different people in different stages of relationships and follows them through their varied ups and downs. The plot was intricate enough to keep me focused (sometimes my mind wanders during movies that I'm indifferent about) and with a cast like this, it would almost be impossible to go wrong. This chick flick stars Jennifer Aniston, Justin Long, Ben Affleck, Bradley Cooper, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson, Gennifer Goodwin, and Kevin Connolly to name but a few. The acting was great, I didn't have a single problem with the acting in this movie. Well. . . . . . I suppose I had a few issues with the chemistry in certain parts of the movie, but you'd have to be a really amazing actor to be able to fake chemistry.
Anyway, I'd recommend this movie to most girls looking for a fun chick flick and I bet it'd be a hit if you're looking for a good movie to watch at your next sleepover. And without further ado, here are some of the male cast members of He's Just Not That Into You and they will do part of my job for me : ) They're talking about why it's a great chick flick to watch because it doesn't have a lot of the usual clichés that you find in a typical chick flick. Oh, and even if you're not planning on watching this movie- check out the video anyway. Seriously, it's good for a laugh. Enjoy:
He's Just Not That Into You was the fist chick flick that I grabbed, but the second is a bit more embarrassing to admit to : )
I'll admit that I'm guilty of watching a couple of episodes of Sex and the City now and then. I kind of blame my mother for introducing me to the show >.< I'm not sure why they went for such extremes with this movie. . . . the beginning was all sugar and happiness (which isn't how the show is at all!) while the middle was just plain depressing. I wish that I'd watched this one before I watched He's Just Not That Into You, because this chick flick actually brought me down whereas He's Just Not That Into You left me feeling cheerful and optimistic. I can't reveal what was so depressing during a good portion of this movie, so you'll just have to take my word for it when I tell you that the Sex and the City movie is NOT a lighthearted, happy chickflick. The ending was okay, but I didn't enjoy the movie as a whole. The show is far better, so if you're interested in good, chickflicky stuff then check out the TV show and skip out on its movie.
So that's my chick flick splurge! Hopefully that'll last me for the rest of 2009, lol. Next up is my review of two more movies: Knowing and The Silence of the Lambs (which was the last movie that I picked up at Blockbuster). Very different, and a nice change, from the chick flicks : P What's SunnyD reading now? I'm reading a really good fantasy book called The Great Tree of Avalon: Child of the Dark Prophecy. Maybe I'll finish it in time to include it in my next post along with those other movies *Shrug* I'm trying to take my time with this book (something that Alanna's been recommending to Nikki and I for a long time).
~As always, I appreciate comments : ) Thank you for reading!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Chick Flick Splurge
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Lol, it's funny that I used to never watch chick flicks and kind of despised them and now that and family movies are about all I watch!! And my favorite books are kinda like chick flicks most of the time...
It's also funny how our reviews of He's Just Not That Into You were so different-especially how the ending made you feel good, but made me feel empty.
I'm staying away from Sex and the City for as long as I can. I already have too many TV shows I like to watch!
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